Friday, July 10, 2009

"Three Sisters" by Kip Decker

***For this "Hallmark" poem, the vocabulary word of the day is ekphrasis. It's basically a written representation of a visual art. I learned the word yesterday. This poem I wrote as an art education class assignment, based on the picture below. Since I have two sisters, I related.***

I remember a sunset
where our wet bodies glittered like lightning
and where we twirled and whirled and danced on
clouds of sand stolen from an hourglass.
I remember the creamsicle haze and peach laughter
that filled our summer evenings,
too full with the deliciousness of living to eat up
anything but each other.
Do you remember what it was like before we were
old and careful, when the only jewels we needed we
could find in the sand and keep in a handmade
treasure box under our beds, to whisper to us in our
lemon chiffon dreams? Were we ever young


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